Political Arena? ...not this page!!!

To All Readers Of This Blog,

I made this blog with the good intentions of promoting the good things about our unknown little town of Carles, Iloilo.

So, if you're visiting this page to criticize and put down someone especially people who run our town... go somewhere else!... preferably in a place where you can learn some manners!

Comments are always welcome here as long as it is not meant to harm someone else's reputation.

Mabuhay ang mga Carleseños.

Thank you,


Sikat Sang Carles, Iloilo - Mama!

Something to make you smile, if not laugh... and something to make your day... presenting to you... one of the celebrities here in Carles... Sikat ka na talaga... Mamamamamamama!

Sitio Luyo Religious Fiesta

Happy Fiesta to all the residence of Sitio Luyo, Poblacion.

Sitio Luyo, Poblacion celebrates their annual fiesta every April 24-25. We were there yesterday to attend the christening of a new "inaanak".

The fiesta was celebrated with some activities like swimming competition, modern dance competetion, dance sports, boxing, basketball and the most awaited "Search For Macho Gay 2010".

Of course, the celebration will not be complete without the "binayle" during the nights of the celebrations... "Public may dance..."

Market Day (Monday) - Poblacion, Carles

It's monday again, and it only means one thing... market day here in Poblacion, Carles. It's time for cheap shopping... and the most popular?... ukay-ukay. :) Of course it also means cheaper foods, vegetables, dried fish, etc.

I'll take you to a little tour on what's going on here every monday... enjoy!

Enhanted "Tangke" of Isla de Gigantes - Carles, Iloilo

We left home early morning of Thursday for our most awaited island hopping. We've planned this vacation for a while and finally we are doing it. Of all the places and islands we're planning to visit, I am very very excited of one particular place... the enchanted "Tangke" of Isla de Gigantes. I've seen a lot of photos of the place and heard a lot of praises towards it. We also visited other islands... but I'll tell you and share the photos of the rest of our island adventures on my next post.

Carles Municipal Plaza And Covered Gym

This is a special request... a tour on our municipal plaza and gym. It's very humid here in Poblacion, Carles. Temperature is at mid-30 degrees celcius during noon and early afternoon.

Anyways, enjoy your mini-tour... Uswag Carles!!! :)

Dayhagan Spa And Beach Resort - Carles, Iloilo

I stumble upon this video in youtube about this resort in Dayhagan. Last year, as I remember it, we heard about this swimming pool in Dayhagan, Carles... so we went there and inquire. We were told that it is a private property and not open to the public.

Anyways, if this video is what's inside those high blocks of fenses... then it is indeed a nice place. I'm sorry to say that I can not confirm that this is really in Dayhagan, Carles... but, I'll try to find out more about this place.

At the moment, this is the video (I hope it really is) of the said resort in Dayhagan, Carles. Enjoy...